Words of coach Jürgen Klopp
Words of the current coach of the champion of the UEFA champions League Liverpool FC Jurguen Klopp in one of his stays in Marbella football Center.

How about your experience in Marbella Football Center?
Very nice. Here we have the best basic requisites that you can have for winter training: The climate, the facilities and the organization. Everything I need for my team.
According to the football facilities, what do you think about our natural grass?
As I have already said, we are very satisfied with the plants. The lawn is great and very well maintained. Every day he looked like new, although if you imagine how much damage is done every day, it’s in top condition.
How do you know the football pitch Marbella Football Center?
I’ve known it for 8 years.
Would you like to return next season?
Sure, let’s hope so! (laughing).
What could be improved?
You can always improve something (laughing), but all good. We are very satisfied.
Would you recommend the pitch Marbella Football Center to other colleagues?
But clearly, Marbella Football Center is known among all the collegues. I think you do not have to recommend it.
Thanks you for your comments and I´m looking forward to meet you again.