Press Release, Marbella Football Center measures Covid19:

After the measures adopted by the Government and transmitted to sports entities, Football Impact/Marbella Football Center declares its full collaboration communicates the adopted security protocol.
Our facilities have been adapted with the prevention measures against Covid-19 required by the health authority.
The conditioning, distancing and disinfection protocol for our facilities ensures the safety of the clubs.

Football Impact/Marbella Football Center has prepared for the return to sports activity.
Security Marbella Football Center.
Installation of the professional ReSPR INDUCT Sanitation Technology system for virus removal. System recommended by other large entities for its high efficiency in the elimination of viruses and germs in air conditioning, efficient to maximize sanitary security in the stay of the equipment in our facilities.

Health protocol of all our facilities, consisting of the following actions:
- Installation of a total of 35 HIDROALCOHOLIC disinfectant hand gel dispensers WITH ALOE in the gym, water areas, changing rooms, offices and transit areas.
- Installation of 4 Totem of disinfectant protection with gel and gloves, which will be exposed in hallways and changing rooms of the facilities.
- Installation of a mask and sanitary gloves stand in changing rooms for equipment use.
- Daily cleaning and disinfection of changing rooms, common areas, offices with HIPOCLORITO SODIUM mixed with 1% water, with disinfectant bleach.
- Disinfection of sports equipment twice a day with HIPOCLORITO SODIUM mixed with 1% wáter.
- Disinfection of the outside of the facilities (parking area, stands and outside building) with HIPOCLORITO SODIUM mixed at 1% with water, applied via a powerful fogger up to 8 meters.
- Cleaning and disinfection of maintenance machinery, lawn mowers, tractors, etc., by manual cleaning, as well as by misting specialized disinfectant product and sanitary approved.
- Installation of 15 double doormats with disinfectant tray for footwear, which is installed in entrances to the changing rooms, Spa, Gym and offices.
- Purchase of 500 sanitary masks labeled with MFC logo. These masks can be disinfected by washing at 80ºC in washing machines. Using our personal clean and disinfected masks daily.
- Incorporation of pedal trash cans in the facilities to avoid contact with hands.
- Carrying out all team training behind closed doors, leaving the Sports City restricted exclusively to those essential auxiliary employees in the daily development of the activity.