Almost two weeks for Slavia Praha in MFC

The Czech team SK Slavia Praha is training in Marbella Football Center since last January 5th. 12 days of Winter Break on the Costa del Sol for the undisputed leader of the most important division of Czech football.
Only 3 days ago the Central European team arrived at the Marbella Football Center facilities to perform its Winter Break. With 16 points of advantage over the second ranked, the Jindrich Trpisovsky’s team should not relax and therefrore decided to bet on Marbella Football Center. During their stay in southern Spain, the team will carry out first level training, as well as the spa sessions to recover the players.

The company based on the Costa del Sol renews its facilities every year. And if a gym with the latest technology was built last year, this 2020 has completely rebuilt the spa area. In addition, cryotherapy machinery has been added to accelerate the recovery of football players.
When on February 15th Slavia returns to the competition, from Marbella Football Center we are sure that they will do so in the best possible conditions.